It is really odd and somewhat surreal to wake up and know that everything you do is for the last time (not last last, but last for India). I rode my stationary bike for the last time (thank goodness, looking forward to being on a real bike). Had my last breakfast of Indian bran flakes with California raisins, covered with Nestle boxed "slim" milk. Last time to flush the toilet using an extra glass of water (gross, but I had to say it). Last time to hear the water pump whine as it pumps water to the top of the building for the day. Last time to walk to the office and walk up 3 flights of stairs (oops, we really took the elevator - even with it's 3 inch drop jolt when it reaches the office floor). Last trip to our favorite Italian restaurant, Sartoria, to have bruschetta and fries.
Last talks with the missionaries we see each week. (It's worked out really well for our last 2 days in the office. President Sackley interviews all the missionaries every 3 months and his interviews were yesterday and today, so we got a chance to get pictures of all the missionaries in New Delhi - notice their names).
Bayyavarapu, Amalaraj, Chadalavada and Gibb |
Peddinti, Vuppada, Michael and Stephen |
Mahanti, Neelam, Bodasingh and Gowthaman |
Thivyanathan and Bogati |
ChandraSekar, Walters, Botcha and Cooper |
Nekkanti, Natta and Joseph |
Nelapati and Ramesh Babu |
Nelli and Idunnari |
Paliparthi and Rijal |
Bastian, Bangari, Dogga and Sudarajan |
Last interview with President Sackley (I can't remember having one before so this might be a first). Last walk down the office stairs to go home (for old times sake, not because we're scared of the elevator). Last bag of ACT popcorn that reminds us of home. Last batch of laundry that takes 30 minutes to fill with water.
And last of all, my last comments before we leave - Goodbye India New Delhi Mission - we love you and we will miss being with you.
Elder and Sister Stevens.