This past week Angela had a Relief Society activity in which they created Tube Sock dolls. There were about 10 sisters in attendance. Knowing that activities always start late, we showed up at around 4:30 pm, about 30 minutes after the start time. The other sisters were sitting around talking, but as soon as Sister Stevens walked in the door, it was time to start. Unexpectedly (or now, generally expected), she led the opening song and give a spiritual thought.
Back to the dolls... I wasn't there, but Angela tried to tell me how these are made (of course a picture is worth "a thousand words"), so I'll save the words. You start by cutting the sock in a strategic area (this was not revealed to me, so it must be top secret), then you unwind the sock material around a song book, pan or other convenient object. Once you have it unwound, through the magic of a rubber band and several snips with the scissors, this is what you get. They're cute, soft and fuzzy and look great on our book case. Angela can hardly wait to share with the women back home someday.
The rest of the meeting was taken up playing musical chairs. Everyone likes to play games, and most often they are children's games. No pictures were taken, but Angela said they all had fun. And guess who won??? For all of you that think Angela is laid back and fun loving, you should see her play a mean game of musical chairs...
The rest of the meeting was taken up playing musical chairs. Everyone likes to play games, and most often they are children's games. No pictures were taken, but Angela said they all had fun. And guess who won??? For all of you that think Angela is laid back and fun loving, you should see her play a mean game of musical chairs...
Share the secret of the sock dolls? Would love to make some and take to some less actives!