At this time of the year, we all look for ways that we can be of service to our fellow men and women to demonstrate our love for the Lord at His birth. Most Latter-day Saints go about trying to do good without much fanfare. Recently I read a talk by a modern Apostle, M. Russell Ballard. In speaking about being anxiously engaged in good causes he said in part,
"...Now, brothers and sisters, I'm not encouraging religious zealotry or fanaticism. Quite the contrary!. I'm simply suggesting that we take the next logical step in our complete conversion of the gospel of Christ by assimilating its doctrines deep within our hearts and our souls so we will act and live consistently - and with integrity - what we profess to believe.... In your morning prayer each new day, ask Heavenly Father to guide you to recognize an opportunity to serve one of His precious children. If you do this, your spiritual sensitivities will be enlarged and you will discover opportunities to serve that you never before realized were possible.... if we multiply our efforts by tens of thousands, even millions of prayful efforts to share God's love for His children through Christian service, there will be a compounding effect of good that will bring the Light of Christ to this ever-darkening world."

Sister Stevens and I invite you to join us this Christmas and throughout this coming year to do as Elder Ballard has asked - pray for opportunities to provide Christian service to our Heavenly Father's children. Merry Christmas.
Our Love and Best Wishes,
Elder and Sister Stevens
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