We were suppose to be on a plane for India on Monday, Memorial Day, but since we weren't, we spent part of the day going to the Payson Cemetary to see Paul's family. Much of his Mom's side of the family that have passed on are there, including his grandparents, parents and an older brother, Alan. There were a lot of people there (both alive and otherwise) for the holiday and the cemetary was very pretty with the tall trees and extensive flowers to commemorate those that had served this country. This war memorial is at the front of the cemetary and Paul's Dad's name is listed on the "wall" of WWII veterans.
The "coincidences" continue. So on Sunday after Relief Society (the Sunday meeting for the women in the church), Angela begins talking to another member (among at least 200), and found out she and her husband (Val and Laura Dunn) returned about 4 years ago after having served as humanitarian missionaries in New Delhi. AND on top of that they had a member of our soon to be new branch staying with them (almost scary isn't it). The member, Sister Swarupa Katuka is here in Provo visiting her daughter, Timnah, who is aa BYU student. They invited us to dinner on Monday night and we had a great time learning more about New Delhi over another great Indian dinner at the India Palace (which is just across the street from where we are staying). Talk about a small world. (PS, so we go to the temple on Thursday, and Paul just happens to mention to one of the temple workers that we are going to India, and she says "oh, my bishop, when I was growing up, went to India. His name was Bishop Dunn - yes one in the same)
Tuesday and Wednesday were full of additional training on office procedures. The Church has developed a internet based system called IMOS (Internet Missionary Office System) that can do almost anything you need in the mission field. We have to admit we were pretty exhausted after sitting in a classroom for 8 hours each day.
Today, Thursday, we've come to accept our delay (isn't acceptance one of the 5 steps in the grieving process?) and decide to start an exercise routine. We put on our walking clothes (and our name badges - we wear them always) and go out for a nice walk up Center Street in Provo. We saw this statue on our walk and thought it was pretty neat (translate: "awesome", for those of the younger generation). After attending the temple, Angela looks me straight in the eye and says, "We're not eating at the MTC" (I thought the food was pretty good there) so we went to Los Hermanos in honor of our daughter-in-law, Michelle, who loves their chimicangas. Michelle, we dedicate this lunch to you. Tonight we're studying. Maybe tomorrow we'll know more about our visa status...
I hope you guys aren't still there when we get there on the 11th. But it sounds like you're having some interesting experiences while you wait. Ones that are continueing to help you prepare for New Delhi. Thanks for keeping up this blog!