Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Out 6 months

Today we have been in the mission field for 6 months.  I wish I could say it has gone past quickly, but to be honest there are both days that whiz by and others that seem to go on forever.  Lately it's been more of the latter.  Angela has had a nagging cough that just won't go away that keeps her up at night so the next day she's dragging through.  She tries to put on a happy face, but I can tell it's getting to her after more than 3 weeks.  We've also had a series of problems with our living conditions.  It's either no water, no electricity, no internet, no gas, or a combination of them.  In India, a problem is never resolved, it's just temporarily in remission.  Not that we're complaining, just a fact of life.  Today we're in the Mission Office alone.  It's P-day for the missionaries and they are all playing the "Turkey Bowl" (football) at the park.  I told the APs that I wouldn't be there because I wanted to be able to walk the next day. 

We were blessed by a Hindu priest at Pushkar
(fortunately the paint on the forehead came off)
Tomorrow we are somewhat celebrating Thanksgiving.  It's obviously not an India Holiday (although it seems like they celebrate everything else, with over 20 official holidays).  We're going to Chili's (yes the American Chili's) at the Mall with all the Elders and Sisters after the transfer meeting.  We decided not to get turkey for dinner.  At $80 for a 12 lb turkey, we decided it was too rich for our budget.  A good buffalo burger at Chili's will have to do...  We wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving

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